




 百花齐放 Let a hundred flowers bloom.

  多此一举 画蛇添足 gild the lily


 位于加利福尼亚南部的圣迭哥市提供了全世界最好的生活、 工作和学习环境。

 The city of San Diego,

 located in Southern California,

 provides one of the best living,

 working and studying environments in the world.

  这本身就是一座美丽的城市, 这里瑰丽的人为和自然景观形成了众多令人激动的鲜明对比, 构成了一幅幅令人意想不到的精彩画面。

  It is a beautiful city in its own right,

 but the wonderful range of both man-made and natural features provides many exciting contrasts and unexpected highlights.

  圣迭哥具有温暖、 舒适的南加利福尼亚气候, 与地中海的气候类似, 无论在室内还是室外, 您都可以全年在这里享受宜人的气候。

  San Diego enjoys a wonderful,

 temperate Southern California climate,

 similar in fact to the Mediterranean,

 which can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors all year round.


 它既是一个生机勃勃的城市, 又是您放松身心的场所。

  With a population of a little over one million people,

 it is both dynamic and relaxed.


  San Diego is home to National University.

  自从 1971 成立以来, 国家大学已经发展成为加利福尼亚第二大非营利性私立大学。

  From its inception in 1971,

 National has grown to become the second largest private non-profit university in California.

  国家大学特别强调终生学习的理念, 为每个人提供继续提高技能的机会。

  The university is particularly focused on the concept of life-long learning,

 where every person is provided with the opportunity to continue to build their skills.

  作为其多文化理念的一部分, 同时出于对未来前景的展望, 国家大学欢迎和鼓励国际学生, 尤其是中国学生, 前来就读。

  The university welcomes and encourages international students,

 particularly from China,

 as part of its multicultural focus and outlook.

  国家大学 70% 的本科生都能够获得学士学位, 81% 的研究生都能够获得硕士和博士学位, 两项指标均高于美国国家标准。

  70% of National University undergraduates successfully complete their degree programs,

 and 81% of graduate students successfully complete their degree programs.

 Both are higher than the US averages.

  该校学生认为, 国家大学在许多领域都优于加利福尼亚的其它大学。

  Its students rank National University higher than other California universities in a number of fields.



  Most universities in the U. S.

 charge international students more for their tuition than local students.

 A significant feature of studying at National University is that international students pay the same as local students.

  另一个重要的特点是该校采用了每月一门功课的学习模式, 在这个月里学生可以集中学习, 把精力集中在一个科目上, 而不必为其它科目分心, 学完一门功课后, 再学下一门功课。


  Another key study feature is a one-course-per-month format,

 which allows students to concentrate on one subject without distraction for an intensive period,

 and after completion,

 move on to the next topic.

 This provides both flexibility,

 and a continuing sense of accomplishment and achievement

 同时, 每年国家大学都为学生提供灵活多样的课程设置。

  It also provides students with a flexible,

 multiple intake option each year.

  学校配备了 2, 500 台联网的个人电脑、 视频会议教室、 多媒体教室, 学生可以通过网络了解要学习的课程、 课时安排以及学生信息。

  There are 2, 500 student networked PCs,

 video-conference classrooms,

 multimedia classrooms and access for students to course,


 and student information via the web.

  国家大学图书馆拥有 76, 000 多本电子图书, 其数量在美国藏书量位居第三, 并具有 14, 000 个电子期刊全文数据库。

  The National University library contains more than 76, 000 eBooks,

 the third largest collection in U. S. ,

 and electronic databases including 14, 000 full text journals.

  还有很重要的一点, 那就是学生无需提供 GMAT 或 SAT 考试成绩就可以攻读本校的学位。

  Importantly students are not required to provide a GMAT or SAT exam result in order to gain entry into degree programs.

  国际学生可以在国家大学学习英语, 这既对学习有利, 又方便您的生活, 您可以用英语与当地人进行交流, 使您的生活过得更加有趣。

  International students can study English at the university,

 which is important both for studies and helping to make living and interacting with the local people easier and more fun.


  Prominent landmarks include the world famous San Diego Zoo,

 one of the few zoos that has been able to breed China’ s own Giant Pandas,

  由于圣迭哥人的勤奋和努力, 使这座富足的城市获得了成功。

 圣迭哥人对他们取得的成就感到非常骄傲, 他们友好、 热情、 好客。

  This affluent city has become successful by the endeavors of its own people.

 The people of San Diego are extremely proud of their achievements and are friendly,

 warm and welcoming.

  如果有一些问题, 你没有听明白的话, 可以登录:

 www. nu. edu 查询。


 重点词汇 A:

 水晶花 crystal flower


 窗 花 paper-cut for window decoration


 水仙花 narcissus


 干 花 dehydrated flower

 百合花 lily

 花容月貌 lilies and roses

 康乃馨 carnation

 百花齐放 Let a hundred flowers bloom.

  多此一举 画蛇添足 gild the lily

  彬彬有礼 体谅他人/Polite and Considerate


 给老人让座/Please take the seat


 饭前要洗手/You should wash your hands before m eal


 Make greeting each other at hom e a good habit



 the Good Habit I n the Train


 探望外婆/Visiting Grandm a in the Hospital


 家务有我份/Helping Parents Do Housework


 先帮妈妈做家务/Let us help m om



 我可以先走一步吗/May I

 leave early


 大话表情/Facial Expressions


 无价之宝/A Pearl of Great Price


 不乱扔垃圾/No litter


 请求帮助/Asking For Directions


 养成排队的习惯/Make Queuing Up Away Of Life


 学习滑雪/Learning To Skiing


 The More We Get Together


 She Will Be Com ing Round The Mountain


 Rain rain go away




 popeye the sailor m an


 Old king cole


 For he is a jolly good fellow


 Keeping The Com m on Corridor Clear


 Keeping Our Neighborhood Fresh And Clean


 Merry Christm as


 Brother John


 I f You Are Happy…


 Clem entine

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